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#30 본문

Books/The Alchemist


검댕 2021. 4. 9. 09:30
Droplet* 작은 물방울, 작은방울
Immobile* 부동의, 움직이지 않는, 움직일 수 없는
Withdraw* 철회하다, 철수하다, 빼다
Prognostication* 예지, 전조, 예언
Let up* 그만두다, 완화되다, 멎다
Brandish* (칼 등을) 휘두르다, 휘두르기
Whip* ⓝ 채찍, 회초리(질)
Robe* 길고 낙낙한 옷, 로브, 의복
Scimitar* 언월도 : 아라비아, 페르시아 기원의 칼


* It drew a droplet of blood.


* The horseman was completely immobile, as was the boy.


* The stranger withdrew the sword from the boy's forehead, and the boy felt immensely relieved.


* "Be careful with your prognostications."


* "You must not let up, even after having come so far."


* The same hand that had brandished the sword now held a whip.


* The mounted troops entered the oasis from the north ; it appeared to be a peaceful expedition, but they all carried arms hidden in their robes.


* When they reached the white tent at the center of Al-Fayoum, they withdrew their scimitars and rifles.


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