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#29 본문

Books/The Alchemist


검댕 2021. 3. 25. 09:30
Dungeon* 지하감옥, 최하위, 던전
Pharaoh* 파라오, 고대 이집트 왕 칭호
Famine* 기근, 기아, 굶주림
Vulnerable* 취약한, 영향받기 쉬운, 위기의
Lookout* 망보기, 찾다, 경계
Surrender* (요새, 군대, 배 등을) 넘겨주다, 인도하다, 양도하다
Astride* ~에 걸터앉아, 걸터앉은
Falcon* 매, 송골매, 독수리
Perch* 앉다, 자리잡다
Kerchief* 손수건, 스카프


* "Two thousand years ago, in a distant land, a man who believed in dreams was thrown into a dungeon and then sold as a slave."


* When the pharaoh dreamed of cows that were thin and cows that were fat, this man I'm speaking of rescued Egypt from famine.


* The Tradition says that an oasis is neutral territory, because both sides have oases, and so both are vulnerable.


* Throughout the entire day we will be on the lookout for our enemies.


* When the sun sets, the man will once again surrender their arms to me.


* Astride the animal was a horseman dressed completely in black, with a falcon perched on his left shoulder.


* He were a turban and his entier face, except for his eyes, was covered with a black kerchief.



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