옹글게 옹글게 숯티스

#28 본문

Books/The Alchemist


검댕 2021. 3. 10. 09:30
Instrument* 수단, 도구
Assortment* 분류, 한데 넣은 것, 구색
Bade* Bid의 과거형/ Bid : 명령하다
Handwrought* 손으로 만든, 수세공의
Semicircle* 반원, 반원형
Embroider* ~에 수를 놓다, 꾸미다, 수놓다
Laden* Lade의 과거분사형/ Lade : (짐을) 실은
Suffuse* 가득차게 하다, ~을 뒤덮다, 퍼지다
Habituate* 습관이 되다, 길들이다
Imperceptibly* 근소하게, 미세하게, 모르는 사이에


* Why was it that he wanted the boy to serve as his instrument?


* Night fell, and an assortment of fighting men and merchants entered and exited the tent.


* Finally, after hours of waiting, the guard bade the boy enter.


* The ground was covered with the most beautiful carpets he had ever walked upon, and from the top of the structure hung lamps of handwroght gold, each with a lighted candle.


* The tribal chieftains were seated at the back of the tent in a semicircle, resting upon richly embroidered silk cushions.


* Servants came and went with silver trays laden with spices


* The atmsphere was suffused with the sweet scent of smoke.


* "I can see things that eyes habituated to the desert might not see."


* Suddenly, the elder at the center smiled almost imperceptibly.


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