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#19 본문

Books/The Alchemist


검댕 2021. 2. 28. 19:30
Intuition* 직관적 통찰, 직감
Boulder* 둥근 돌, 바위
Detour* 우회하다, 우회로
Hooves* 발굽
Substantial* 실질적인, 상당한, 중대한
Balk* (말 등이) 갑자기 서서 도무지 움직이지 않다, 방해하다
Dismount* 내리다, 떼어내다, 분해핟
Unburden* 털어놓다, ~에서 내리다, 짐을 덜다
Freight* 화물, 수송, 운임
Treacherous* 배반하는, 반역하는, 위험한


* The boy was beginning to understand that intuition is really a sudden immersion of the soul into the universal current of life, where the histories of all people are connected, and we are able to know everything, because it's all written there.


* When the caravan was blocked by a boulder, it had to go around it.


* If there was a large rocky area, they had to make a major detour.


* If the sand was too fine for the animal's hooves, they sought a way where the sand was more substaintial.


* The animals balked at such places, and the camel drivers were forced to dismount and unburden their charges.


* The drivers carried the freight themselves over such treacherous footing, and then reloaded the camels.

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