옹글게 옹글게 숯티스

#10 본문

Books/The Alchemist


검댕 2021. 2. 5. 09:30
Scabbard* (칼을 넣는) 칼집
Emboss* 양각(돋을 새김)하다
Encrust* 외피로 덮다, 아로새기다
Squeeze* (특히 손가락으로) 꼭 짜다
Dismantle* 분해(해체)하다
Trajectory* 탄도, 궤적, 궤도
Lament* 애통(한탄, 통탄)하다
Ashamed* 부끄러운, 창피한, 수치스러운
Wept* Weep의 과거, 과거분사 - 울다, 눈물을 흘리다


* The scabbard was embossed in silver, and the handle was black and encrusted with precious stones.


* His heart squeezed, as if his chest had suddenly compressed it.


* Then, like a colony of worker ants, they dismantled their stalls and left.


* The sun began  its departure, as well. The boy watched it through its trajectory for some time, until it was hidden behind the white houses surrounding the plaza.


* He was feeling sorry for himself, and lamenting the fact that his life could have changed so suddenly and so drastically.


* He was so ashmed that he wanted to cry.


* He had never even wept in front of his own sheep.



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